Total Punk is now a full blown foul mouthed 14 year old! Now old enough to smoke cigs behind the school gym, shoplift from the mall, and get drunk next to the bowling alley. Total Punk is officially a teenage delinquent and that means its time for celebration.
On top of the big 1-4 this Thursday me and the fam are heading to Mexico City so figured kill two sales with one email. All but the most recent TOTAL PUNK/ MIND MELD releases will be $14, PYREX, HEAVY MÖTHER II, HEAVY METAL IV 2xLP and the brand new DUMBELLS (out this Friday) $18, and the rest of the site 14% off through March 27. That is also the date I will be back home and shipping orders. However, I’m starting the sale now so there is a chance if you get your order in today it will ship before I leave!