* TRUE SONS OF THUNDER - It Was Then That I Was Carrying You LP - TOTAL PUNKLPTotal PunkTOTAL PUNK
* TRUE SONS OF THUNDER - It Was Then That I Was Carrying You LP - TOTAL PUNKLPTotal PunkTOTAL PUNK
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* TRUE SONS OF THUNDER- It Was Then That I Was Carrying You LP

Regular price $ 16.00

Total Punk is proud to be releasing the third LP by  shed dwellers TRUE SONS OF THUNDER. Featuring members of Manateees, Oblivians, Mangina, Rat Traps...TSOT has turned not caring into an art form and even unknowingly submitted a track from their second LP for inclusion on this one. Sour tunes for sour times. Lurching low end, two guitars and a banjitar that make a cacaphanous symphony which can only be described as amp torture. Southern RAWK in a concrete mixer.  Dad rock for deadbeats!   This was the record Total Punk was made to put out and it only took us 8 years to get here. Loud, broken, out of tune, and 100% TOTAL PUNK!!!!


"As I envelope myself deeper into the merger of psycho-killer wives and disorienting sound, a vision of True Sons of Thunder as a Hawkwind cover band comes to my head. I picture them slugging it out in some swampy, concrete basement as their make-up runs and a Stacia look-a-like gyrates around in a scuba suit. This is probably due to “Killin’ It” and “Drugs in Space”, two tracks that make a valiant effort to float up and meet Dik Mik in heaven but are too weighed down by a bellyful of tranquilizers. Strangely though, the band does not come off like space-aged cavemen on longer tracks like “Jet Set” and “Get A Hold To It” and instead resemble the sludgier bits on The Dicks’ Kill From The Heart."- Tony Rettman

" This is an excitingly cloudy tonic of post-ELECTRIC EELS/FLIPPER/BUTTHOLES party sludge with a paw or two dipped in the honey jar of Southern rawk and the freakier fringe of ’90s garage punk. Plenty of five-minute-plus cuts here, and not much hyper tempo, but unquestioned reserves of energy – and they’re a crack unit, too, swerving all over the road on the likes of “Get A Hold To It” but always sounding on each other’s wavelength."- MRR