BARELY HUMAN underground music anti-history: a new book out now plus bootleg tapes on the bandcamp

  • Heyooo - first post on the sick new forum to spam/plug some recent releases through BARELY HUMAN, a project that's been running about 10 years covering ideas that circle the DIY underground and its historical precedents. Began as a zine series that spun off into the BH Podcast in 2020, a 12 episode documentary style podcast covering bands from THE FUGS, CRASS, FRANK SIDEBOTTOM and LUCILLE BOGAN through to R.L. BURNSIDE, X-RAY SPEX, ROKY ERICKSON, THE RAINCOATS, LOS CRUDOS, CHEATER SLICKS , COUNTRY TEASERS and more, including TOTAL CONTROL, LOW LIFE and HARAM as the most recent bands covered. 

    The podcast has been out five years now and can still be streamed wherever, but the project since span out to cover a long handful of zines that I've collected and self-published as a book available from the BH bandcamp. The book adds a long essay on folk and country, some discussion of people like NEGATIVLAND, RON HOUSE, DEAD MOON & WIPERS, and three polemics: one on the punk community embracing philistinism, another on bringing back the punishing frontperson ala Jello & M.E.S., another on the punk internationale.. 

    Cop the book direct from the bandcamp (shipping from Sydney, Australia), or from these stockists internationally: 

    USA: Sorry State, Extreme Noise (coming soon)
    UK: Good Press Glasgow
    ITALY: Volume Milano, Radiation Records Roma
    FRANCE: Urticaria Records

    Hit me up if you'd like to stock the book!

    Also on the bandcamp, is a bootleg of underground Soviet post-punk project Вова Синий И Братья По, two albums on used cassette never before reissued from the 1985 Cinereels, by a band who made their music by cutting up tape loops from smuggled western post-punk bands like THE THE and NEW ORDER, sang over the top of it. 

    There's also a small number of tapes that came with the accompanying zines now collected in the BH book, and some distro items from my old label Meatspin by Sydney bands ROMANCE, BASIC HUMAN and TIM & THE BOYS. 

    Hit me up at if you wanna order a big bunch of stuff and I can work on some discounts etc.. 

    So sick to be posting this to a forum and feeling less insane than trying to game the social media mine field.. lookin forward to chattin over the next while! 

    - Max



  • Excellent work on the book, one of the best things I read last year. Glad to play catch up and planning to check out the podcast soon.

  • @ExpKind hell yeah, stoked you got a copy and enjoyed the read!

  • Great book AND podcast. I especially enjoyed the pieces on Australia specific stuff: dolewave, total control, and lowlife. All bands I have listened to and enjoyed for years, but missed how they were viewed by locals. 

  • @barelyhuman loved the podcast man! 

  • Looks good! Will definitely check out both the podcast and the book.

  • thanks heaps friends! mad that the podcast circulated a bit, was a weird time to release things around lockdowns and hard to tell how much it was actually listened to.. 

    just got word that Sorry State sold out of the books, but there's six copies in transit to Extreme Noise in Minneapolis for those US-based.. no real plans to stock anywhere else just yet but give me a yell if you wanna order some in.. i can wholesale for about USD$10 each for an order of 5 or more, but postage is, as always, the pits..  

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