@Sprague Dawley apt review! Personally I didn't really care for the stuff about the I Ching, despite how integral it was to the book. Also I'm sure I'm dumb and didn't totally catch onto the symbolism of it, but I didn't really see the point of the jewelry business subplot. I didn't personally find it too bad to get through but was just underwhelmed at the end of it.
Anyone read Black Hole by Bucky Sinister? I recently translated it for a French publisher and really enjoyed it. Not a masterpiece or anything, just a fun, fast-paced story about taking massive amounts of drugs ("massive" as in "Las Vegas Parano is for babies") in post dot-com boom San Francisco. Featuring mini-whales, guns, strippers, real drugs, made-up drugs, Operation Ivy, Gilman Street, etc.
Not related, but the latest two I read & enjoyed were Thomas Pynchon's Vineland (funniest/ easiest one I've read by him so far) and Rejection by Tony Tulathimutte (dark comedy/ satire about millenial angst and identity politics).
@SwamiPat I liked how quickly Thee Headcoats were glossed over, Bruce didn't mince any words either.
been putting it off for a minute but looking forward to reading "a man called destrutcion" (chilton bio)
Just finished the first Valis book, I'm a big PKD fan - the Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich is my favorite and finally checked out Valis from the library. What a let down - ramblings of an author on wayyy too much speed that drags on way too long.
@SwamiPat I will have you know I read plenty of PUNK books! ;)
Loved the Estrus one, definitely plan on purchasing the Billy Childish bio. Also been meaning to pick up the Redd Kross book.....
@Lincoln Huh, I am curious to read that, but haven't gotten around to it, have read reviews saying it's not as good as her other stuff.....
Loved Mars Room and Telexes From Cuba, though!
@Luke Henley Yeah, definitely not one of his best efforts. Didn't like the TV show that much, either. Too bad, cause it's a cool premise......