STONEMEN- Faded Colors 7"
Second press on red vinyl
This space...if written by Claude Surette, could speak of growing up in the mid 1960s around "rue principal" in Cap Pele and hearing music blasting from a house unlike heard before. Or if Ron Bourgeois (The Little General), could tell of when they were on his TV show “Top 10 Plus” a number of times. Or when they were in CKCW studios on Gordon St., Bill McFadden could elaborate on all the songs they recorded and what it was like working with them.
Instead, you’re stuck with me, who wasn’t there or knew them. My story starts in 1990 when Paul Roy gave me their Faded Colour record on the Maritime label, which he bought at Harrison Trimble High school at one of their concerts. The importance of this record wasn’t made apparent to me until I met Nardwuar the Human Serviette in 1993. Since then, their legend seems to keep growing.
From tracking down Norbert, Eric, and Danny for interviews, to Bad Luck # 13 covering the B-side, to the value of this record being boasted about on eBay and now this long-awaited reissue. There have been appearances on compilations but now for the first time, this record is once again made available.
So go back in time, get stoned, and hear what the rurals of Moncton was sounding.