
FUTURE KILL- Mind Tasters Floor Wasters LP
Future Kill is the brainchild of Mikey Blackhurst and Kristin Maloney from Brain Bagz fame. Mind Tasters Floor Wasters, is the first stab from Future Kill. Recorded during the Circus Fire that was 2020 with a cast of characters too numerous and or depraved to mention, this... "album" reeks of all the alienation, deception, contempt, add yours here, add yours here and psycho sexualis you could shake a stick or wave a flag at. Sounding like an old drug warped Rock n Roll disc stuck into the chest of a Berg flick it's sure to be thee misanthropic party record of the year and beyond. Idk though, you listen and figure it out you are the listener. Just remember, the Trash is fiiine. FUTURE. KILL..