
LAZER BULLET-Spirit Suck Shit 7"
Admittedly, this is a hard record to describe. Mostly because from the opening three chords of “Faster Than”, it gets hard to unclench the jaw and steady the heart rate long enough to ask oneself, “what the fuck is happening?!” By the time you figure it out and sigh out a “oooough!!!!” it’s time to flip the record and repeat the process. This is some ferocious, spiteful hardcore punk straight from the depths. The riffs ooze a feeling of frenetic unease as the vocals are demonic as hell, anger seething through every spiteful word. That’s not to say there is no melody buried in this EP, as there are clear riffs that cut through the noise and venom, creating a delicate balance between chaos and catchiness. Scathing non stop hardcore, with the odd breakdown which lasts just long enough for an underage kid to knock the beer out of a jaded old punks hand at an all ages gig. Post COVID lock down has unleashed an onslaught of great new angry bands in punk, and these maniacal deviants stand on the top of the heap. This shit is not for the meek.