Hey everyone. What would you like to see added to the forums? What would you like changed? Suggestions, critiques? Lay em on me!
Hey everyone. What would you like to see added to the forums? What would you like changed? Suggestions, critiques? Lay em on me!
@Randall A Portland thread
@filthqueen666 like a whole forum or just a topic? If just a topic you should have the ability to start one.
A sell/trade/want list thread, please and thank you.
@Mark Smith excellent idea!
@Mark Smith head on over to bartertown
@Randall Hell yeah, thanks, Randall. Maybe it's on the way, but didn't see a "Create Tooic" button.
A quote function would be cool too.
@Mark Smith Okay. Meeting with a friend later today. See what it will take to do that
Also a mobile app would be cool. Might be possible to do pretty easily ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
DMs will come in handy when Bartertown gets rolling.
@Mark Smith you should be able to DM now
Might be too much of a pain to implement, but is it possible to get a spoiler-text styling option for the text box?
@tapeurchin we are in the process of setting up a new forum. It has spoilers and quotes. When you go back to a thread it starts you were you left off. All accounts will transfer over and we are hoping that all the posts will as well. A few less bells and whistles but will function much better and more importantly is actually editable. Also the current board has randomly been kicking people off the forum. If anyone's account is currently inactive email me at totalpunk45s@gmail.com and I'll reinstate you. I should have troubleshot the current one a little bit more but it was hard to see some of this stuff when I was the only one on here.
@Mark Smith
A quote function would be cool too.
Just figured this out. Copy text, paste it back in, highlight, and hit the quote button in the reply menu.
Couldn't think of where best to post a few questions about shops/distros that take on stock, international postage tricks, questions about international tour routes etc... do you reckon a new section would work for tips/questions around DIY networks? Or label stuff and the like? I figure it might help form a bit of a central place for labels, bands, stores and distros to work together in a centralised way... last ten years or so have really decentralised things, and I reckon it'd be sweeet to build things back up again, or at least provide a guide to newcomers etc
(If not a new forum section, then where do you reckon I should post this kinda nonsense?)