Following this thread is hilariously difficult. It took a lot of scrolling but I made it! New easier to follow version in the works
Following this thread is hilariously difficult. It took a lot of scrolling but I made it! New easier to follow version in the works
@Chipoil Coffee shops as far as the eye can see. I'll take you guys to the Original Hotcake House!
@Vinnie Vacuum $5 breakfast! I'm in
no votes for twister. Damn! I am sending out shaky records!! Twister your days are numbered
@SweetTime I agree on the Whiplash. I reserve those for packages with a few LPs in them, and use the Twister for smaller order. I put two mailer pads in there and they generally feel pretty secure ...
@1800benparrish Have no had Aunt Tillie's. Will check it out. Taste Tickler does have a good cold cut! I get one whenever I'm in that area. Used to be the only upside of bringing Groucho to the ve...
@the ultimate snackrifice Yo La Tengo is a band I sometimes think maybe I should go revisit, then don't. Maybe this will be the year?
@bbqspaghetti901 Sonic Youth is one of the bands I forgot to put on my don't like list
Keep the breading off my wings. I like Korean wings but buffalo is where it's at. Smoked wings are okay but don't scratch the itch
Yes! Looking forward to this one!
@sicboy Yeah the layout isn't much better on a computer. These were things I didn't notice when it was just me posting to myself. But now that we are over 300 posts certain things are coming into f...
@Mark Smith yeah the quote function is pretty crucial or conversation becomes quite murky once there are more than a few posts. Like function has been on my list. I keep liking stuff too but ...
Die Verlierer- Notausgang Somehow missed this last year, but saw it on a bunch of year end list and finally checking out.
@ratcharge really cool record, also features members of L.O.X. so that makes sense
Wow! Within 12 hours of announcing we already have 213 users and 273 posts! THanks to everyone who has already joined and posted! I'm still fine tuning over here and tryi...