• Wow! Within 12 hours of announcing we already have 213 users and 273 posts!  THanks to everyone who has already joined and posted!  


    I'm still fine tuning over here and trying to see what changes I can make to get things to run better.  I now realize the lack of a quote function makes it a bit confusing when replying to post in threads. Trying to figure out a short term work around.  Also I really hate the tags, but can't figure out how to turn them off. Also the forums have had periods of bad lag over the course of the day. The site has been running fine so I'm thinking its the app I'm using.  Anyways just wanted to say thanks to everyone and I'm working on the bugs.

    Has it been running slow for you?

    What have you noticed?

    What's cool?

    What's not?

  • Really hope the quote function can happen.

    I wouldn't mind the "like" button going away.  I've been using it, but I think that's just a result of my lame social media habit.  Haven't been on fb or IG for the past few days and can already feel and old part of my brain growing back and I'm dreaming at night again.  Fucking wild.  Anyway, really good timing for this forum to come around.  Let's take care of it.

  • The mobile layout appears a bit wonky. I can't figure out how to 'jump to latest post' from the thread view there.

  • @Mark Smith yeah the quote function is pretty crucial or conversation becomes quite murky once there are more than a few posts.  Like function has been on my list. I keep liking stuff too but it serves no purpose. This app is not as customizable as I'd like so have a friend helping me just create an entire new board that we can hopefully migrate everything to. This has some nice bells and whistles but don't want it to feel like social media lite.  Spending yesterday tooling around here and off social media was a great feeling

  • @sicboy Yeah the layout isn't much better on a computer. These were things I didn't notice when it was just me posting to myself. But now that we are over 300 posts certain things are coming into focus

  • I accidently started a new topic "pictures of food" and then realized it would have been better as a sub treat to the other picture treat. I tried to delete it but that didnt seem to be an option. 

    That being said, i stand proud with my picture of pommes souffles!

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