Who skateboards, who are you, what’s your setup, and what are you stoked on?
I’ll start with this video that was posted yesterday. I love watching people skate West Park. I haven’t always been into Aaron Loreth’s skating, but I’m completely sold now. I’ve watched this video three times already.
Quartersnacks • Favorite Spot With Aaron Loreth on West Park
Still skating after all these years. Stated in 5th grade and I turned fucking 50 this year. Multiple set ups, all bigger and weird, with Independents and Rat Bones. Main ones I'm running right now are a Natas mini and a reissue of the first Gonz. Had both OGs as a kid and both saw me at the peak of my abilities. All I'm interested in is beating the shit out of curbs, big ollies, no complys and am always on the hunt for banks/ditches & funky little diys.
Tried skating again during covid and it didn't go great. Need to re-learn how to fall
Falling well is a skill. Throw your body around in the yard/park. You'll still slam eventually and it'll still suck.
Hey everyone,
We made a new forum and moved it over to the below address. I was hoping to transfer over everything posted this last week but the developers of this app won't get back to me, and it kind of sucks. The old forum will be up for like one more week in case you want to look up any stuff mentioned here or transfer stuff over, but head over to the new forum to post because this will all be gone relatively soon. You don't have to create a new account. Just click log in and enter the email address you used for this forum. However, once logged in you will have to edit your profile and add back your nickname and avatar. Instructions for all that are pinned to the top of the new forum. Head on over and get posting. Thanks again everyone and sorry this one is already busted, but it will be worth it.