News — Anti-Fade
Rich Evans

2018 wasn't without its downs but man what a year. I put out two LPs and 8 singles on Total Punk, started work on a new label called Mind Meld (Timmy Vulgar's Genetic Armageddon LP out next month), a new job that I love, did lots of traveling, and started a wrestling promotion with some friends. Probably the busiest year of my life, but I somehow managed to find time to listen to a ton of music. I revisited a lot of records from my youth as well as stuff from the early/ mid 2000s. For me the most exciting...
Rich Evans

BEST OF 2017
If I could have my way I would have 2017 stricken from the record. Last year I broke my foot, had to cancel a tour, was listed as dead by the Social Security office, Sprint charged me $5,000 in fraudulent charges then shut off my phone, and these are just the things that aren't too painful to talk about. On top of that we were all forced to live out the first year of Trump's presidency which was just as nightmarish as one would expect. That being said 2017 also have a few awesome moments. I spent my first wedding anniversary at...
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