News — Plastic EP
Rich Evans

2018 wasn't without its downs but man what a year. I put out two LPs and 8 singles on Total Punk, started work on a new label called Mind Meld (Timmy Vulgar's Genetic Armageddon LP out next month), a new job that I love, did lots of traveling, and started a wrestling promotion with some friends. Probably the busiest year of my life, but I somehow managed to find time to listen to a ton of music. I revisited a lot of records from my youth as well as stuff from the early/ mid 2000s. For me the most exciting...
Rich Evans

We've got another label to add to our Australian roster. Total Punk alumns Jake Robertson (Ausmuteants, Leather Towel, Drug Sweat....) and Will Harely (Housewives, Tim & The Boys, B & The Blips) have started a new label called Xerox Music which saves artifacts from the wilds of early 80's Australia. We are now helping with North American distribution. I couldn't be happier about this for one because Jake's a good dude, but also because he introduced me to the world of Plastic EP. PLASTIC EP & THE RECORDS were from Melbourne and released two singles between 81 and 82 which Xerox has compiled on...
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