News — Rik & The Pigs
Rich Evans
It's finally out. This video has been about 8 months in the making but you can't rush perfection. Josh Holbrook made us this absolutely killer animated music video for 'Rat's Behind' off of a 'Child's Gator' and I don't think I could love this thing anymore. Josh is incredibly talented and funny and I hope I can keep convincing him to spend months of his life on projects like this for me. Enjoy.
Rich Evans

HEY WEST COAST! This month is your chance to see the best live band going. Last year I saw these guys four times in the matter of a few days and still left feeling that I didn't get enough RIK in my life. And that was before they added the ripping sax player. This isn't a show you can miss so get someone else to make the donuts, and get out to these shows. We want to see some butts in some seats. Also if you didn't pick up the LP yet this will be a perfect time to do...
Rich Evans

BEST OF 2017
If I could have my way I would have 2017 stricken from the record. Last year I broke my foot, had to cancel a tour, was listed as dead by the Social Security office, Sprint charged me $5,000 in fraudulent charges then shut off my phone, and these are just the things that aren't too painful to talk about. On top of that we were all forced to live out the first year of Trump's presidency which was just as nightmarish as one would expect. That being said 2017 also have a few awesome moments. I spent my first wedding anniversary at...
Rich Evans

That's right folks! It only took us 6 1/2 years but Total Punk has hit the digital airwaves. You can now stream almost every Total Punk release on our new high faulting bandcamp page. Don't let those $1000 price tags scare you off, we've got links to the artists bandcamp page for reasonably priced digital files where they exist, and those that don't your just gonna have to go the old fashioned route and steal yourself some mp3s. On top of the back catalog we've got both sides of the upcoming VERY MENTAL 7" up as well as two tracks...
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